Some items available online are special order items. If you don't mind alternatives we have in stock, let us know. We often have options in our IBF bulk buys that are better deals in the store than you will see online. Special order items take 7-10 days and we will confirm with you before ordering.
It's a great way to get exactly what you want and still shop local with us!

M.Graham Oil Colors

Blockprinting Inks

Golden Heavy Body
Acrylic 2oz

Velvetouch Brushes

Daniel Smith

Artists Oil Colors

Drawing Pads

Pigma Micron Pens

Let us know if there are supplies you do not see listed here.
We have a large amount of inventory and it will take us some time to have it all online. Always feel free to reach out and ask if you don't see something you are looking for. We are here to help!